Ma Bulle Ma Boule
Jan 11, 2012
Dec 31, 2010
Mark Twain said & I can't but agree!!
Dec 29, 2010
Live Love Laugh
We are almost done with 2010, I don't regret any sec on of it! When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile. As John Lennon said: "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." - I just regret the time I've wasted with wrong people... It's no wonder that truth is stranger than fiction. Fiction has to make sense. Need to make some cleaning around...Re-draw my circle... Maybe, all i'll have to do is delete ALL bad vibes that invaded my energy field & sucked up my wonder mega power...
Dec 24, 2010
& since Am listening to The Doors right now, here we go...
Cmon' baby light my fire.....
& to top it all, a rock-my-world soundbite:
"I see myself as a huge fiery comet, a shooting star. Everyone stops, points up and gasps " Oh look at that!" Then whoosh, and I'me gone...And they'll never see anything like it ever again--and they won't be able to forget me, ever." --James Douglas Morrison
*reportedly, yet unconfirmed quote
Dec 19, 2010
Chaos kayoed with the help of a peacock
Then I go on mix and unmatch what is believed not to be mixed and matched.... In short, i firmly believe that To CONSTRUCT, must start with DECONSTRUCTION. And here we are, me, myself & my visual blabbering on a zone at Posterous, my lab for playful design expressions & creative inspiration. And since anything boring in life is made up of oneness, as one mind, one block, one thought, single, one & only, dogmatic when not fanatic, my world is rather all patchwork jazzed up to the max., and as sweet as a strawberry cream Chupa Chups lollipop or bombastic as la Durée's macarons... "SNAP, CRACKLE, POP," it's munchies' hour....
"A madman is not less a musician than you or myself; only the instrument he plays is a little out of tune," wrote the master, Gebran K. Gebran.
Whether, my digital visual narratives are a little, a lot, or massively out of tune, well one thing am definite about is that visual thinking spice mode are bloody healing to my soul & my design samplings greatly contribute in fine tuning I & my reason to be...
For now, am madly in luv with colors....Soon, aim to dedicate my time and efforts to make some noise so that the art of communication makes social change its ball game.
Till then, eye-candy kaleidoscopic stories will keep on bouncing by here while sugarpoppy ravin' n' ramblin' roll with the 'zénitude' of a peaceful warrior.
Salam & peace out!!
One more thing: la vie set MOSAIQUE!! Et ma bulle plus que tout; souvent chaotique, et je m'en fous... (là, c'est juste pour la rime....)
Dec 17, 2010
Sparking me...
P.S: Forgot to inform whoever happens to pop by my little undefined zone that my middle name is confusion, nickname spice pop or sugarpop(py) depending on moods & activities...
Real name is to be revealed when serious mature stuff end up shared around here. For now, this is more fun, as it spares me to take myself too seriously.... Later, bound to switch to professional mode....Merry X-Mas from Beirut with love & sparks...Cheers.
Pop n' Zesty
Stop Whole Body Imaging

Stop Whole Body Imaging
Originally uploaded by freestylee
"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."
Benjamin Franklin
"where should we draw the line..." Maybe when they introduce cavity search. It is important to educate ourselves about these invasive body scanners. These machines are not just showing up at airports, but also showing up in court rooms, government buildings and where next? schools, stores, malls, offices?
Ms. Napolitano said that the images will not be stored. Just recently 100 of these images turned up on Gizmodo from a scanner at a federal courthouse in Orlando, Florida.
That's one problem, the greater problem we must be mindful of is radiation danger. I came upon this news headline recently " World’s Pilots Reject Naked Body Scanners Over Radiation Danger, Privacy Breach" The largest independent union of airline pilots in the world (Allied Pilots Association) is urging its members to boycott body imaging machines currently being rolled out in airports all over the globe, they are not willing to subject themselves to these body scanners for fear of radiation and privacy issues but WE Fryers should
Ghada Azzi
Managing editor
ArabAd Magazine
T +961 1 204 662
F +961 1 201 857
Sent from my iPad
Dec 6, 2010
I am only happy when it rains...

Sugarpoppy's series of 9 pop art portraits remixed on Foto Editor & Photopad iPad apps
Originally uploaded by Sugarpoppy
9 flashy-splashy pop art portraits reflecting my cheerful upbeat mood swings, which happen to pop up only when it rains.... & guess what???
Was raining mad all day today in Beirut...
Result: a bunch of digital collages using ma dope-- l'iPad en l'occurrence... So many great apps for photography & digiarts inspiration...
Mar 16, 2010
Whispers of Arab Telephone

Jul 18, 2009
We are all NEDA

Aung San Suu - Freedom to Lead

Jul 5, 2009
where is my vote?

Art on wall by Iranian street artist, the one & only A10ne.
~ Ewww..... (cool) ~

~ Ewww..... (cool) ~
Originally uploaded by ViaMoi
A kick ass critter shot by a brilliant photographer living in Canada who goes by the name viaMoi. His work can be viewed on Flickr. Jaw-dropping stuff, truly!!
May 14, 2009
La' lil Taefiyat

Originally uploaded by Sugarpoppy
Graffiti made in Lebanon that call for wisdom and aims to generate awareness about religious sectarianism and the wrong use of religious matters for political purposes...This is what street art should be all about...Conveying food for thought, tagging it on the walls, bombing it in the minds...Hoping to blow up & renew spirits...
May 13, 2009
Mar 21, 2009
Son of la Niña de Gibraltar

Mar 20, 2009
Visual Dialogue
Feb 28, 2009
Political engaged art