Dec 17, 2008


Michelangelo & the 10 commandments, originally uploaded by Sugarpoppy.
Airbrushed piece created by Lebanese young artist Elie Zaarour in public at the Martyr Square, downtown Beirut during the national Marathon race day, Sunday, November 30. Copywriting of the 10 commandments by me, Sugar Pop, aka Ghada Azzi.

Essayyed poppin' & alive

Essaayyed poppin' & alive, originally uploaded by Sugarpoppy.

As pop as Essayyed can get... By Sugarpop, a dynamite piece of Stencil art picturing Hassan Nasrallah, big boss of Lebanese Hezbollah, the party of God.

Dec 3, 2008

Salam w Hob

By Peter Fuss
Peter Fuss is a Polish who creates art with an attitude, stuff that matters; he likes to subvert images & make simple bold statements with as little words as possible. So, when he's not busy tagging Poland's streets or killing Obama, he goes in with his infamous black & white visual design expressions that speak loud his mind & pov on the world. The Polish artist has a new series of work aptly entitled "War Has Started," that depicts pig faced soldiers in various modes of attack.